Monday, September 24, 2018

My Family's Thoughts on Smoothie Bowls

   I've seen recipes for smoothie bowls all over the internet, so I decided to try it out this morning. I have to say, it's worth all the hype. I made this smoothie bowl for my 3 year old daughter. What was left I divided up for my husband and myself. I might have also, given a little to the baby. It was amazing. There is something about a healthy breakfast that really makes you feel good, and I'm not a breakfast person. My daughter was enthralled with the bright colors of this super simple breakfast. Here's the recipe I used:
Smoothie mix
1 frozen banana
5 frozen strawberries
1/2 cup strawberry Greek yogurt
2 tbsp acai berry powder
1/2 cup milk )I prefer whole milk but any kind will do. Coconut milk is a good alternative)
Place the the smoothie ingredients into a blender and blend until ssmooth. You want it to be thick and not runny. Pour the smoothie into a bowl.
I used a sliced banana, fresh raspberries, chia seeds, granola with almonds, 1 tsp of bee pollen, and a drizzle of almond butter.
Chia seeds provide a nice kick of protein, plenty of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, the bee pollen is a great immune booster, and the almond butter is another great protein source.
These smoothie bowls are amazing because you can customize your recipe to your taste and they are packed with healthy goodness! The bright colors make children love them and they think they are getting a treat when they are really getting a nutritious breakfast. If you've been on the fence about making your own, I recommend you do! Share your smoothie bowl recipes below! I might add coconut next time!


  1. YUM...all it needs is a side of BACON! LOL

  2. I see smoothie bowls mentioned all of the time, but have yet to try one. As I'm not a fan of smoothies, I'm not sure if I would enjoy a smoothie bowl. I think I will give one a try soon and see!

  3. It's definitely worth a try! If you don't like smoothies you could just make a yogurt bowl. Fresh fruit and Greek yogurt. Like a parfait of sorts.

  4. I've recently started making myself smoothies again and I want to start creating smoothie bowls too. I had one the other day and it filled me up for hours!

